"We found two dozen massage schools tied to prostitution or fraud. Here's what to know.”

The Seldin/Haring-Smith Foundation, a family foundation with a focus on college accountability, included the college in a report documenting the connections between sex trafficking and state-approved colleges

Meanwhile, a subcommittee of the House Oversight Committee has asked the Education Department to share its procedures to “identify and stop human or sex trafficking connected with postsecondary education.” The subcommittee cited the Seldin/Haring-Smith Foundation’s report in its letter, and its chair, Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, D-Ill., said he was concerned some schools might have covered up illegal acts to receive federal money. 

“The Subcommittee would like to work together to determine if any other federal funds are unknowingly being provided to bad actors,” Krishnamoorthi wrote to the department. 

Read the full piece on USA Today.


"Researchers follow trail of sex trafficking to Minnesota massage program”


"Report Linking Institutions to Sex Trafficking Prompts Congressional Investigation”