"ICE has access to Maryland driver’s license records. State lawmakers want to limit it."

Read about SHSF grant’s to the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown Law in The Baltimore Sun:

“Harrison Rudolph, a senior associate at the Center on Privacy & Technology at Georgetown University Law, which has tracked facial recognition programs nationwide and backs the bill, said a few other states have such databases and deal with ICE requests for data, but none appear to have provided such sweeping access as Maryland.”

“‘Maryland allows any federal law enforcement officer with a particular type of credential to log directly into the facial recognition system,’ he said. ‘That’s an unprecedented level of access.’”

“Couple that access with facial recognition software — which has been criticized for being error-prone, particularly when assessing people of color and women — and there is reason for concern, Rudolph said.”

View the full article online at The Baltimore Sun.


"ICE has run facial-recognition searches on millions of Maryland drivers"


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